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Welcome To Our On Farm Field Trials Page

Be sure to check back to this page often as we will continue to add new trial data as it is processed. See something missing on this page? Shoot us an email with a trial idea and if it fits within our capacity we will add it to next years round of trials.

Y-Drop vs. Coulter Trial

Background: The entire field is the same hybrid, same fertility program, and the same units of N. This was a square, flat, 50 acre field. Every other 24 rows received the final shot of N+S @ V5 with a FAST applicator equipped with a Yetter injection system and Yetter N-Keepers. The remaining strips of the field received the final shot of N+S @ V10 with Y-Drops. This entire field had diplodia pretty bad so yields were lower than expected. Click on the link below to download the trial data.

Airseeder vs. Planter

Background: The goal of this trial was to compare the seed placement of a planter to an airseeder to see if singulation has an effect on soybean yields. The airseeder used in this trial is a John Deere 1990CCS on 15" spacing with Dawn GaugeTine closing wheels. The planter was a John Deere 1790CCS on 15" spacing with no-till coulters and stock closing wheels. Both machines were set to a population of 165,000 and there was no difference in final stand between either machine at harvest. This trial was conducted across 400 acres  consisting of various soil types. Click on the link below to view trial data.

Strip-Till...No-Till...Fertility Placement

Background: This was a last minute trial so there is not that many replications. The trial is comparing Strip-Till with fertility placement to strip-till without fertility placement as well as strip-till to no-till in a side by side. Given the results from this trial we plan to expand onto it in 2017.

© 2014 by Delhotal Farms

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